I've had this chilli plant on the windowsill bringing a bit of colour to the living room for a few weeks now. For the chilli geeks it's a Tabasco.
Unfortunately it appears that we're not the only ones that like chilli plants.
I'll figure out what to do with the aphids another day, but for now I'll harvest the chillis rather than risk losing them.
I'll be honest, we don't do a great deal of cooking with fresh chillis. These would be put to better use preserved for later on.
I've also been growing some coriander on another windowsill in the kitchen so whilst I'm at it I may as well use some of this.
I decided last minute to chuck in some lemon rind too. My girlfriend came up with the name "traffic light oil"
I sterilised a bottle and washed and chopped all the ingredients. I crammed them into the bottle and topped up with some half decent olive oil.
I sat the bottle in some boiling water for 5 minutes in a half hearted attempt to pasteurise and more to kick start the infusion. All done and I have a nice homemade bottle of Traffic Light Chilli Oil ready for some bread dipping in about a month or so.
Just need to remember to give it a shake every now and then to move the ingredients around the oil and help the infusion.
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