Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Pickle and halloumi round up

So, before I get back into the swing of things I have one or two things to round off first. I'll begin with the pickles (beetroot and shallots) that I began back in March.

The beetroot I'm not so sure about. They're a bit tough, should have removed that peel and part boiled before roasting I think. I kind of expected that but it was an experiment anyway. I'm happy with the flavours though, just the process that needs the work here.

The shallots worked very much as planned though. The cider vinegar is, to my taste at least, far prefferable to malt vinegar pickled onions and they were hot with spice. Luckily I had a cheddar I made about 14 months ago that I deemed mature and ready to go at, so I baked some bread and treated myself to a mini homemade ploughman's lunch.

and finally the Halloumi...

This kept well in the tub I had stored them in and came with us to the new house. I opened it up, removed a piece and washed it under the tap to remove some of the excess brine. Then I trimmed it to a neat square and sampled the trimmings to see how it had gone.

Success! We have tasty mature halloumi. So now it was time to assemble some other ingredients and use it in some cooking.

I used:
2 slices of halloumi
1 aubergine
2 ripe tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp of olive oil
Salt and Pepper

I skinned the tomatoes and minced the garlic then cooked them down into a simple sauce in the oil with a pinch of seasoning.

The sliced 4 round cross sections of aubergine and grilled them with the halloumi until the aubergine was tender and the halloumi was slightly browned and crispy on the surface. The halloumi I prevented from drying out by dribbling a tiny amount of oil on top.

Then I stacked them up and they made for a nice little lunchtime snack.

Right, now onto some new projects!

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